• Member Since 26th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2023


Everyone goes through change, transformation, going through it for the better or worse. Be it physical or mental, that is the real showing of what makes someones character. Why not write about it?

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Progress on Sunless · 11:22pm Aug 25th, 2021

Hey all. Its been a lil bit. Not dead. Actually alive and well. This pandemic has been quite a doozy and really threw my time and life into a freefall of sorts. Just starting to get things back in order now. I will be continuing Sunless. As a matter of fact I am writing it as we speak! I needed to refresh myself after being on hiatus so long but I hope to have things rolling again. Special thanks to Trev! You've helped me get going again.

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Report Korenav · 273 views · Story: Sunless ·
Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 6 - 15 of 15

aaand are you still alive? :D

You still Alive?
Just wondering as you haven't said anything for a while

1996760 There will be plenty of spookiness to come. :rainbowwild:

1996755 Nooo?....Maybe.

1996752 Are you ready to get spooky? :3

1996619 Lol wut? :P

  • Viewing 6 - 15 of 15
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