• Member Since 28th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 12th, 2021


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Found 2 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 45,350
Estimated Reading: 3 hours


[ 2nd Person fic starring YOU and SOARIN ]
Wake up, go to work, go home, repeat.
This is the schedule of your average day as a Lieutenant in the prestigious Royal Guard, and you're perfectly content with that. Life continues on as normal as ever until you meet Soarin, Captain of the Wonderbolts for the first time.
And then your life changes in a way that you wouldn't ever have guessed.

Yes, this is a gay fic.

Rated Teen for mild language and sexual references. There will be no clop in this story (I will be posting clop in a separate, Mature story).

Picture created by Skipsy. God I love Skipsy

Chapters (6)

[ 2nd Person fic starring YOU and BIG MACINTOSH ]
After a terrible accident, you are left to recuperate at Sweet Apple Acres. While your body rests, your mind is more active than ever, as it continues to relive that fateful night repeatedly.

Yes, this is a gay fic.

Rated Teen for language.

Picture created by Skipsy. Much thanks to him.

Chapters (1)