• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen March 19th


Do'oh, I missed! -Wario


To Whom It May Concern: · 10:17pm Jul 4th, 2012

To Whom It May Concern:
If you have any ideas for what Pinkie and Rainbow should be, let me know!

Report amythistfire · 389 views ·
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188580 I tried it once, the emulator version has always been hopelessly broken for me. I have a 64, and a saw a copy for 45 at a vintage stock, but I needed to buy gas. I've only played the demo of the xbox version.

You did the same for me when I first met you, and besides, I like Conker, and find it a chance for some outright hilarious moments even though *deep breath* I've never played in my life.

Congratulations, yer my 1500 followee! And, congrats on 1631 views, bro!


There's a button that looks like a clock and book on the upper right corner of the story box.

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