• Member Since 29th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2022


Ha! A Colts fan that likes ponies. How original. But thanks to the NFL it's true!


Bonus Content (9-30-18) · 7:35pm Sep 30th, 2018

Just a little heads up for people who are interested. Sandcroft, one of the writers who generously allowed me to use his work for my story, has updated his story Ungrounded and has now made it to the chapter we both collaborated on two years ago. If you're interested, like I stated, in how the little interaction went between my SI and Lucien went in my chapter

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Report Coltsguy · 280 views · Story: Cause, Effect, and Consequences ·

Story Progress

I thought that I should make up this little box to give anyone who cares an idea of how far I am into the current chapter I am. Yes, I am blatantly ripping this idea off of Sandcroft's page who may be doing the same from someone else. Well guess what? This is the internet. Originality dies here. Anyway, the progress part:

Cause, Effect, and Consequences

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

i used to live in indianapolis, but i moved to texas

Statement: Mountaineers are better.

Comment posted by Wir sind verloren deleted Mar 9th, 2019

Colts master team. All other teams are inferior teams.

1967085 I used to live in Indiana. That's where it began twenty one years ago later this month.

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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