• Member Since 19th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 27 minutes ago

6-D Pegasus

Me or my OC?


With the end of the reign of the Two Sisters, Celestia and Luna decide to raise the sun and moon together in one final solar eclipse. Where it once represented the rebellion of the moon against the sun, it would now represent a display of stellar beauty where the sun and moon rise together in harmony. It would mark the transition to a new time of peace for Equestria, under Princess Twilight.

Too bad they forgot to notify Twilight about this. Or anypony else for that matter.

This will end well.

Huge thanks to Soaring for pre-reading and helping me get off my flank to finish this, and thanks to ThePeer for pre-reading as well!

Written in celebration of the last total solar eclipse to be visible from the US for the next 20 years!

Yes, I know it was a week ago. Yes, it's a skill issue.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )


it good.

me like.

How you can make such a pretty, but also hilarious, fic - I have no idea. Loved it!

the royal sisters turning into cosmic mischief-makers after their retirement? how do I subscribe

also, I swear I've read a fic with an extremely similar premise before

Alondro #6 · April 16th · · 2 ·

I saw the eclipse. Went all the way to Arkansas, formed many new alliances for my empire along the way!

Also absorbed the DARK MAGICAL DEMON POWERS STREAMING FROM THE MOON'S SURFACE, MUWAH HA HA HA HA!!! (Nightmare Alondro is now a thing...) :fluttershbad:

I would point out that the moon's shadow is only a little over 100 miles across, but Equestria's moon looks bigger than ours. I'll just say this was an awesome story, and I loved the ending.

My hometown saw around 97% totality in this year's eclipse, and will see 100% in 2045. I'll be 63 years old.

Pinkie was right, she should've set it to Wumbo. Wumbology solves everything don't you know?

The receptionist stared lazily out the window before returning his gaze to Twilight. “I get paid, like, ten bits an hour, that doesn’t nearly cover enough for me to care about it.”

Me too, buddy, me too. :twilightsheepish:

I'm so happy you were able to get this fic out here for everyone to see. :twilightsmile:

I'm so happy I suggested the Spongebob joke.

"Have you tried changing the amulet to wumbo?"

Nice "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy" reference. :twistnerd:

BEAUTIFUL AND HILARIOUS!!! I love it! 2 faves for my favorite fluffy Sixdee!!! :twilightsmile:

This actually feels like a episode of the show in a way, good job.

This was fantastic. Silly, adorable, and funny. Just wonderful work on this one.

Whoever disliked this just hates fun I guess

How did Celestia not think this through?

11880259 THE HATRED ONLY MAKES ME MORE POWERFUL!! :trixieshiftright:

A lunar eclipse would be tricky to manage with Celestia having to adjust the sun from the ither side of the planet.

In any case, hilarious stuff. The sisters are just as prone as their subjects to jump into a novel use of their special talents. They usually just have ponies and procedures on hoof to remind them why they shouldn’t.

(Also, I fully expect Luna to come back after a few decades. She’s barely had any time on the throne at all compared to Celestia.)

Thank you for a delightful read.

The lack of lunar eclipses again makes me wonder whether Equus is a flat earth?

Dude, really impressive! I love the humor and the way the story ended! Cool beans!


A very funny story.

I just assume Equestria is a disk like plane, on the back of 4 elephants, who are standing on a space turtle.

Well, maybe not quite that much like Discworld!

Man I love Luna in this and Luna just in general. :twilightsmile:

Possibly Estee's A Total Eclipse of the Fun, though I'm sure there have been a number of others. This one kept it short and focused more on the princesses, though, while that story is longer and uses the eclipse as more of a central event than a singular focus.

helo i'm mike white and welcome to arbies did you right in dark more or light mode??

yeah it's probably that one, it's marked as read but not on any of my shelves lol. That explains why I couldn't find it

This was silly in a fun way

Finally got around to reading it!

Anyways; Aww. I love whenever Celestia and Luna get to show off their playful sides.

This was a very good one-shot.

Poor Celestia and Luna got chewed out :twilightangry2:

new55 #35 · 1 week ago · · ·

That was a good story.

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