• Member Since 19th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 minutes ago

6-D Pegasus

Me or my OC?


Rainbow Dash buys an umbrella on a rainy day, and everypony wants to know why.

Cover Art is by HitBass, which inspired this story.

Written for the Thousand Word Contest II, under the Slice of Life category!

Huge thanks to ScarredVirtue for pre-reading once again!

Now with an awesome audio-reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Another amazing audio-reading by TheLegendaryBillCipher (Rainbow Infinity Readings)!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

She finally has somepony to cover her from the darkest of clouds. :scootangel:

They are great friends

D'aaawww, this is adorable!

This is a really cute story


Dash would definitely be the one to show up with a physical representation of a metaphor.

D'aww, this was cute. :)

This was really wholesome.

Adorable! Absolutely amazing, what a short yet fun story! I thought it would be a little sillier, but I truly appreciated how thoughtful Rainbow could be, a nice reminder that she’s the element of Loyalty for a reason! 10/10!:twilightsmile:

Ive been visiting this site for ten years and this is why I keep coming back. Well done.

This makes me happy

my heart

(I know that's a short reply, but I don't know what else to say.)

Aww ty :twilightsmile: glad to keep you returnin'!

Greetings. Your reading has been completed and can be found below. I hope you enjoy.

That was absolutely adorable, I loved the ending so much!

Rainbow cut her off. "Thanks, I'm actually just getting an umbrella."

quills, sofas, and umbrellas? that place has everything!

Twilight cocked her head in confusion. "You have an umbrella for the rain? I could've sworn you said you love flying in it."

Rainbow laughed. "Oh, it's not for me, it's—"

"Are you planning on reading something? I can enchant your books with a water-proofing spell! Or if you want, I can—"

Rainbow cut her off. "Thanks, Twilight, but it's not for me. Don't worry about it. I'll be fine!"

hehe, love how just everypony Rainbow meets is puzzled by this

"Like I said, Twi, I'll be fine, but I gotta go! Oh, and make sure your windows are closed so your castle floors don't get all wet again!"

aww Rainbow is so thoughtful here!

"This umbrella is me, protecting you when I can't, keeping you safe from the heat or dry from the rain, but you'll need to make sure to remember it and bring it so you don't get caught in the rain."

Scootaloo smiled and wiped a small tear from the corner of her eye. "I'll always remember you, Rainbow."

Rainbow felt Scootaloo lean closer into her embrace and smiled softly at her little sister, knowing that no matter what, she would have her umbrella to protect her from the storms.

aww! though everything Rainbow says here definitely makes me think she has a reason to think she’ll no longer be in Scootaloo’s life the way she currently is sometime soon. adorable story, thank you for writing!

Thanks, I'm actually just getting an umbrella.

“Why are you shopping for umbrellas at the quill and sofa store?”
“Because shut up. Shut up is why.”

It’s a sweet story, but I can’t help but think it’d be undercut if Scootaloo already had an umbrella. Especially because, as the story observes, Equestrian weather runs on a schedule and she may have known it was coming. Again, it’s a sweet gesture, but one that sounds better on paper than in execution. (And who’s to say Scootaloo doesn’t also enjoy the rain on her coat?)

Dubious gesture aside, lovely work. Thank you for it.


Scootalove was some of the stuff I first read on this site, and I love to see it still kicking. This was so sweet and I love what Dash did. Look, Scoots might move needed the umbrella, but as Jinzou said, Dash would totally do this regardless of whether she needed the umbrella or not.

Yeah Scoot and Rainbow the best sister dynamic in G4 and I will gladly die on that hill.

Dawww, they're so cute!

awww, that's adorable. I can't take the cutness

D'aw indeed, glad I got around to reading this.

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