She never saw herself as a caretaker, nor did she foresee gaining a sister, but after taking in a homeless filly, Rainbow Dash finds herself in a new role.
Playing the big sister for the only Cutie Mark Crusader without a family, Rainbow Dash finds she still has a thing or two to learn about sisterhood. After butting heads with Scootaloo one too many times, Rainbow Dash consults an expert on the subject.
This story is a sequel to My Sister, Loyalty
* Featured 06/23/2012
* Written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville
Ok, here we go.
Awwwwwwwww! Loved it.
Interesting! I'll have to take a look
Very good work!
Though I think your fic could have benefited from showing Dash taking Scoots in instead of just exposing it, what you've shown us here is one of the best handlings of the Scootadash sisterhood.
Keep up the good work!
I'm normally not into the love gush stuff. But this was pretty interesting to read and defiantly heart warming.
This moved something I never thought I had.
What was it called again? Hmm...
So cute I loved it!
That was beautiful!!! I know you said that this wasn't a sequel to My Sister, Loyalty but I could picture this fic taking place a little while after the events of that fic, but regardless I loved this story, great job!

That was brilliant
You sir, made my night. Most awesome.
Plus - Scootaloo needs more love. Either from Dash, or just the fans. You did it gloriously.
Great story never disappoint. You sir have now written both of my all time favorite fanfics.
Right in the feels.
I can go to sleep now and know that I'll have really happy dreams. Thank you very much for this wonderful piece of art
Good to know that my hnnnnng-filled Scootalove can cause such a thing =D Glad you enjoyed this so much!
Ya got the whole "Royal Guards keep the timber wolves at bay" from MLPForums, didn't ya? Or maybe y'all was one who posted the idea there in the first place? Great story BTW!
Yup, I have the same name here as I do there ;) That's my own personal head canon on why there's seemingly no timberwolves lurking about hunting ponies in the forest now. And thanks!
Dude you really good writing you should do it more often.
For some reason, I am convinced that this is exactly what RD would have done if Applejack hadn't said something.
*looks at ratings*
3 days. No dislikes.
Sir, your story appears to be made of WIN.
to much D'AWWW! Hnnnggg!
This is an absolutely adorable story! I read My Sister, Loyalty, after finding this one, and love them both. The tickle fights between Rainbow and Scootaloo are especially heartwarming. =)
Good, but it seems a bit wordy, both in the general narration and in the dialogue (I don't think AJ and Dash always talk like this...). Otherwise, good job.
Oh Celestia, I see that implied AppleDash ship going on there...
But yeah, nice story.
So much Scootalove!
Is it bad that Applebloom's nightmare creeps me out? That's some scary shit, man.
What a wonderful fic about sisterhood written by some dude that I would love to assume is an only child. I mean this both truthfully and sarcastically. Nice work.
Also a Pegasuspillow or an Applepillow would be the only way I would buy a pillowpet.
How gave this a thumbs down?
holy crap the D'awwww found in this story nearly gave me heart attack