• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 4th, 2020



Missing · 6:03am May 17th, 2014

Well my muse has decided to flee and hasn't come back in quite a while. So until further notice Family 101 will be on hiatus. Sorry everyone but that's how these things go sometimes. But as soon as my muse comes back and smacks me with the baseball bat of inspiration I'll get back to it.

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Comments ( 45 )
  • Viewing 41 - 45 of 45

Could u guys proof read my story ? I'll send a key with a private message if anyone is interested in derpy x human romance fanfic thanks !

1248307 Don't worry the story won't go without an end it's just taking time for me to catch my muse and stuff it back in it's bag.

I love your stories and I would hate to see the sequel to be unfinished. Please try to give writing the story some more thought if you can! :fluttercry:

828954 Thanks. As soon as I get a few weeks to myself I can start updating again so that'll be good. I've missed writing.

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