• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


I have a rocket pack strapped to my barrel and a sword gripped tightly in my jaw. This is entirely practical and can only end well.

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Self promotion and depreciation

Hello, please feel free to check out my poniponi artwork here.

In the event you have somehow received joy from the pustulous blobs I have attempted to call writing, consult a psychiatrist.


So this is actually happening again · 3:36am Jan 20th, 2014

Just thought I should pop my promotional blog cherry and point out that chapter 4 of Behind the crown is finally getting done again.

Assuming I don't hit another wall of writers block I should have it ready for editing and submission within the week.

Report Rocketknightgeek · 477 views · Story: Behind the Crown ·
Comments ( 5 )
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What are Lutherans?

Hey dude, nice story. Also, loving the profile pic. :raritywink:

Dude. That avatar. :pinkiehappy:

I like your behind the crown story. Its always good to see that mean people actually have feelings....usually

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