• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 18th, 2018



"That would not be wise?" · 10:57pm Feb 11th, 2014

Okay, can somepony please clear this up for me, because I'm getting freaked out... I was reading a story and I clicked to upvote it, and a pop-up came up that said "That would not be wise." What is that about? I've been reading too many creepypastas lately, I guess, because it's kind of scaring me. I know I'm being totally pathetic. XD I'd just appreciate it if someone would tell me what it means, if they know. Sorry.

Report PinkieShyFan · 318 views ·
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Thanks for watching. :D You're my 573rd follower, and that means you WIN! I'll review any story you want me to, so long as it's complete and I haven't already reviewed it.

You're welcome! I really liked it. Well, that's kind of obvious or else I wouldn't have favorited it... XD

Thanks for the fave on "Goodbye, Boneless!"

888605 Oh! You're welcome! I liked it a lot. Well, of course I did, or else I wouldn't have favorited it. I'll try to remember to write a review later on.

887105 You faved "Chicken"! Thanks!

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