• Member Since 18th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Norwegian boy

still writing


Duel monsters.

Two words that Equestria has never heard about before. Normally, when Equestria thinks of monsters, they think of creatures that are locked away in the depths of Tartarus. However, that was going to change.

When a human by the name of Fugome Kamaki visits Equestria, she tells them about a task that was given to her and about a game called Duel Monsters. That task was to introduce the card game to the ponies of Equestria, given by none other than Maximillian Pegasus, the game's creator.

What could possibly go wrong?

My first Yu-Gi-Oh story. I own nothing.

If anyone have a better idea when it come to the title, send me a PM.

Chapters (14)

Princess Celestia, one of the rulers of Equestria and she has been that for over three thousand years, she even ruled for one thousand years alone. One thing she never had and that’s a vacation but after seeing her sister in the Hoenn league, she decided to have her own vacation/journey in the human world, her own Pokémon vacation/journey.

This story takes place at the same time as Luna's journey in Kalos, you don't have to read Luna's story to read this, Celestia's story is it's own story. Did that make any sense at all? There might be some spoilers for Luna's story.

Mlp:Fim/Pokémon crossover, I own nothing.

Chapters (10)

Since his mother died, Streak wanted to help others in the field of alchemy. Creating potions and remedies to help heal those who are injured and cure the sick... or just make life a little easier for creatures like him.

One day in the Everfree, he was trying to create something new. A potion that allowed those without magic to use teleportation. Yet, even though Streak did everything he could to be careful, the tests that he was conducting backfired and the unicorn was caught in an explosion that resulted from it.

When he woke up though, Streak found himself out in a place that was unfamiliar to him. Thinking that this was an adverse effect of the potion he tried to make, the unicorn is now in a world where magic doesn’t exist, now on a journey to try and find his way back to the Everfree to finish what he started. Yet, as he explores the unfamiliar setting, he begins to wonder one thing. Now exactly where did he end up... but when?

Contains spoilers from MLP: A New Generation.

Alright, this is my third attempt for this story and this time there is NO alicorn in the story. This time I'm going to finish it.

Chapters (6)

Twilight tried to convince them. Tell them that things were not as they appeared to be. That the Cadance that everypony had seen was an imposter. Yet, no one believed her. Not her friends or her teacher who was like a mother to her.

So, instead of arguing further, she left. She went back to her room in the castle so she could head home. Yet, despite it being a simple teleport spell she used a thousand times before, something went wrong. Now, Twilight was nowhere near home. Hay, Twilight don’t think she is in Equestria anymore.

One thing is for certain. Twilight will do everything she can to make sure she find a way back. Fortunately, she don’t have to do this alone, a fox by the name of James McCloud is going to try and help her. She have to ask herself a question first, does she want to go home?

A MLP/Star fox crossover. I own nothing.

It's back and this time it's staying, I hope.

Warning; There is no sex/clop in this story

Chapters (8)

Throughout most of his life, one question had been on Spike's mind since moving to Ponyville with Twilight. Who were his parents? It was something that he didn't think about too much, but was a question that happened to come back around whenever Twilight and her friends talked about family.

One day, a couple of dragons that claim to be sent by their queen arrive in Ponyville. At first glance, Spike thought that they were diplomats sent to discuss important matters with Twilight. Something that he doesn't usually take part in since he wasn't really experienced in such matters.

However, things take a bit of a different turn. For the dragons weren't looking for Twilight... They were looking for him.

It was about time I tried to write a story with Spike the dragon.

There's supposed to be a sad tag on this story but I have too much already.

Chapters (33)

When Blaze decided to enlist for the Royal Guard, it was because he wanted to be able to protect those that could not protect themselves. It was an opportunity to prove himself to the leaders of Equestria as well as the Princesses that he served.

However, when he serving as Princess Celestia's bodyguard, he got struck by a magical flask that was intended for her and blacked out. When he woke, he found himself in a new body and a new realm with a shattered moon that was in the sky... with no clue as to how he ended up there in the first place.

MLP/RWBY crossover, I own nothing.

Alright, this is my RWBY story. I am going to focus on the main story that Rooster Teeth has created, with my own twist.

I would like to thank FrostTheWolf, he help me a lot and I am not sure if could write this story without his help, so thank you.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Time of Your Life

Jack was a human the arrived in Equestria, he lived in a town called Ponyville, the ponies there were afraid of him. Not Applejack and her family, not princess Celestia. He then found out that he had now way to get home, Equestria was his home. He tired to prove that he was not hostile at Harvest festival, it didn't work. He then left Ponyville to live in Sun shore city. For three months he has lived there and he enjoyed it, then he got a visit from the princess of the sun.

It's finally here, the sequel to Time of your life. I would like to apologize that it too so long, I have no real excuse. As you all can see, I had no help when it came to editing, I still hope you will give it a chance.

Chapters (1)

Being the only human in a world where the inhabitants are anthropomorphic ponies is not easy, especially for Jack. Two months ago, he arrived in Equestria with no idea how he got there. He tried to befriend the inhabitants of the town of Ponyville, but it's not so easy when everypony sees you as a monster and the so-called Princess of Friendship doesn’t trust you either. However, at the local Ponyville Festival, he will give one last try, to prove to everypony he’s not a monster. And he'll do it all, with a guitar and a little help from a mare named Applejack.

This story was edited by The Fan Without Face.

Chapters (3)

Summers, Springs, Winters, Falls. For many years these four alicorn control the four seasons in Equestria, they were called the alicorn’s of the seasons. That was until Discord showed up, he corrupted the magic in Equestria and the four alicorn’s lost their control over their season’s. For two hundred years the four sisters had no control over their seasons, they wanted that Discord pay for his cries but Celestia refused, so the ponies of Equestria became in charge off the four seasons. The four sisters were also four of the six of the elements of harmony, loyalty, honesty, generosity and laughter. Then Luna became Nightmare Moon and Celestia needed their help and then everything changed.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Star Falco

What define a hero? Is it bravely? Heroism? Or is it just stupidty? Those thought went through Falco's mind when he flew his Arwing into the enemy ship when he sacrifices himself to save Canterlot. For six weeks, the ponies of Equestria didn't know who save them, all they got was that it was a act of good that save them. Then a new threat arrived and the royal guards is powerless and princess Celestia won't do anything to stop this new threat, the Shadowbolts. Only four pegasus are up for the challengs, they are Star Bolts.

MLP/Star Fox crossover, I don't own anything..

This is a sequel to Star Falco, I suggest you read that before you read this story.

Chapters (4)