• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2019


Musician who sometimes writes fics, too.


BandCamp Page · 1:52am Sep 24th, 2014

I know I haven't written any fics in ages, but I'm still writing music, and most of it is still Pony related.

However, if you'd like to hear what else I do, I've finally gotten around to setting up a BandCamp page. You can also watch the announcement video I did if you'd like to hear a snippet of an unreleased song based on The Party Hasn't Ended.

Report TimeBaby · 397 views ·

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Omigosh omigosh omigosh! I didn't think I'd see you here! :pinkiehappy: Oh my stars, your lyrics... So honest. Starspark hits me right there every time. Beautiful work.

I'm on a computer with no audio support, so I haven't heard anything since Queen of Nightmares, but I'm dreaming of the day I can hear something else from you.

Stay amazing, hon.

Hi! Random friend would you like a follow for a follow?

Hey mate, heads up: Your story has sparked a discussion on ponychan's /fic/ board, if you or any of your readers'd be interested in talking about it!

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