• Member Since 5th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 18th, 2021

Novel Idea

Blog Posts

  • 237 weeks
    What story to update next?

    I'm getting closer to when I was planning to re-watch the show and I'm pretty positive it's going to entice me to update (though the biggest motivator remains my patreon as that's what inspired me to update affame d'amour last summer).

    What should I update first?

    Affame D'amour

    Daring Do and the Legend of the Ruby Knight


    or A taste of Caramel

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  • 296 weeks

    Hey y'all I'm trying to get back to writing more regularly and building up my older habits of working on different projects each day to combat my ADHD, this includes of course, my beloved Pony Fic (even if they're only beloved by me hahah).

    Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't actually died after teasing with the recent Affame D'amour update. I'm working on this but it's hard to get back into a habit that's been broken with my ADHD.

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  • 313 weeks
    Live on twitch!!

    Hey all i'm live on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/silaninil

    Come discuss the new chapter with me if you feel so inclined!! or just hang out :)

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  • 315 weeks
    I'm not saying that I went overboard...

    But Chapter 5 is up on Patreon and it might be almost as big as the previous 4 chapters added together.

    Coming to Fimfiction sometime in the next few weeks to give my Patrons an exclusive sneak peek! Again, thank you to the people who chose to help me live the dream.

    **THIS is available at the 1$ Pleadge value as well!*

    0 comments · 350 views
  • 316 weeks
    I'm not saying the update is done...

    But it might just need to be edited.

    1 comments · 380 views

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