• Member Since 17th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2013


My Stories

Story Update Status

A Tale of Two Ponies: On Hiatus
Chapter 6: (Originally 12) 70%
Ending: 70%

(Items in italics are currently being worked on. Last updated: January 5, 2012 at 5:25 UTC)

Equestria Daily


Silicas Retired · 5:27am Nov 1st, 2013

I am no longer active in the MLP fandom.

All my stories are canceled and I will no longer be responding to emails relating to MLP or to on-site PMs.

Report Silicas · 738 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

I'm four years late, but the way you left was quite rude and douchey...

People can be inactive in a fandom without leaving it. It's not a big deal, really.

Can you at least take my story off of Your Group Please? "Looking For Editors" if your leaving the fandom then at least take care of your last minute stuff. I'm not mad but still

Okay first I think its kinda rude to be put up on that group "Looking for Editers" but it is true, You could've asked first before putting the story up there. But i am looking for an editor.

So, you're leaving the fandom?
Farewell, then.
And beware!
Out there be monsters...

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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