• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Parallel Black

Bad crossovers are born from the corpses of good characters. Don't be a murderer, kids


Hey there! I'm Parallel Black! I'm both a writer and an artist, and often end up drawing characters from my stories.

I'm the type of person who loves crossovers, and I mean good crossovers, not the ones where you just take the pony world and slap in a few characters.
I have 308 of them btw.
Only one of them is red and black. Ok, maybe two. But all in all, I put a great amount of love and attention into my characters, putting the focus on them being actual people rather than just faces to fill a role, so to speak.

Hope you like my stories and the heavily detailed world me and my friend Aura Borealis have built up over the years! Please check out my Derpibooru page, where I occasionally post pictures of my characters: https://derpibooru.org/profiles/Parallel+Black

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06/05/2022 - A Little Hint of Motivation · 9:24pm May 6th, 2022

This is a little progress report to help put the final version of Moondust into a better perspective.

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Report Parallel Black · 171 views · Story: Moondust · #Moondust
Comments ( 37 )
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It isn't one, it's something I made myself. It's a squiggly tentacle-pony-thing that would have been used as my idea for Cuddlhu's real form in The Tentacle Demon in the Pony Suit.

What video game is that thing in your avatar from?

2682498 Okay it sounded like you might rewrite it and being a fan of Lovecraft/ponies as well as reasonably SFW (non clop) stories I was looking forward to the rewrite (and still am if you ever decide to do so).

I've actually got only two messages about this in the past week. The past two years have been pretty much silent about it for some reason.
Anywho... sorry to say, but The Tentacle Demon in the Pony Suit is cancelled. The reason for this is that the story I had in mind was incompatible with the way I had written the rest of it, not to mention incompatible with Cuddlhu's entire character. It was going to be extremely dark, and no one would have liked that.

I could theoretically remake it with an original character in place of Cuddlhu, but it would have a completely different tone and stuff, and I have a new story to focus on right now, the first chapter of which I'll be posting soon.

So I'm sure you get this a lot, but I was wondering how the rewrite (or whatever it is that you were planning) for The Tentacle Demon in the Pony Suit is going? :pinkiesmile:

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