• Member Since 15th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 7th, 2020

Dark Matter 101

My job and dream is to make people happy the best I can. I want to tell stories that make you readers laugh, sad, and emotional. If you readers are happy then I'm happy.


It finally arrives!!! Like I promised! · 5:28am May 22nd, 2015

The new Life of Spike has been remastered! Check out My new book The University Life of Spike: Remastered and join in on another adventure with Spike and his friends. Also check out my new series; Spike and Pinkie's Clueless Adventures. Please leave a comment of what you think of those stories. I want to hear what you have to say. So start reading and enjoy the new books!

Report Dark Matter 101 · 516 views ·

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Comments ( 21 )
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Hey Buddy are you alive?

How can you get your stories on FimFiction to FanFiciton?

Are you gonna update soon?

Just had to say this, and so do many others, You are an amazing author. If you wanted, you could make a career out of it, because from reading the first book in the 'Life of Spike' series, I could instantly see the greatness. It was beautiful. While there were a select things that could have been better, overall, this story was masterfully masterfully typed.

I won't be giving you a moustache.

I will be giving you 15 Moustaches!!!:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

1759902 I understand. Don't beat yourself up over it. I know you have other priorities and I look forward to your return.

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It finally arrives!!! Like I promised! · 5:28am May 22nd, 2015

The new Life of Spike has been remastered! Check out My new book The University Life of Spike: Remastered and join in on another adventure with Spike and his friends. Also check out my new series; Spike and Pinkie's Clueless Adventures. Please leave a comment of what you think of those stories. I want to hear what you have to say. So start reading and enjoy the new books!

Report Dark Matter 101 · 516 views ·