• Member Since 26th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen July 3rd

Jet Lignite

Professionals have standards.


EG is dead to me · 4:25am Aug 9th, 2016

After watching sneak peek #1 teaser clip #3 & #4 I can honestly say... I'm done.

Report Jet Lignite · 550 views ·

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MR Nuke Bio- long version

AKA: King of Panama, Gojirax, Hammer, Exterminatore, The Dead Wreckener.
OC Name: Razer
Real Name: Classifide
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human/ Anthropomorphic Dragon
Rank: Warrior, Defender
Broniness: 45%

Occupation: Classifide
Hobbies: Graphic Design, Character Design, Creating, Destroying.
Music: Any really depending on music and lyrics but most prefer Rock/Pop.
Interests: Dragons, Warfare, Dinosaurs, Objects of power, Humor, Good vs Evil.
•I enjoy peaceful and quiet enviroments like nature, but am easily drawn to chaotic conditions.
•dislike being restricted or freedom curtailed in any way.
All Twilight x anyone is frowned upon here, except for Spilight
But if I gave you a good comment you did good in your story

What I'm into

Most hated ponies in the Universe

Welcome to the Jet Lignite Universe!

MY Universe, MY Rules. Deal with it!

Stories and content of this universe are official within this territory and this territory alone. Unless given permission.

SPILIGHT! It just makes sense

Twilight is best pony. Spike is best dragon. Spilight is best ship/ friendshipping.

Comments ( 58 )
  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58

Thanks for favoriting Dead Zebra Storage :heart:

Thank you for add Tied date in your favorites. XD

Are you going to finished depths of darkness

Thanks for the comment and the fave. I'm glad you enjoyed The Dragon Who Would Not Sleep.

  • Viewing 54 - 58 of 58
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