Change in Perspective · 7:24pm May 21st, 2015
My bad about the lack of updates been mostly working or wrapped up in Killer Instinct.
I'll try to release an update soon.....promise so please be patient
My bad about the lack of updates been mostly working or wrapped up in Killer Instinct.
I'll try to release an update soon.....promise so please be patient
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I heard you hate HIE Stories!
Not TECHNICALLY an HIE in the normal sense, buuut!
Hello there and thank you for adding my story The Heart of Pleasure to your favorites! I would love to read what you liked about it in the comments. ^_^
Yooooo, thanks for the fav on 'Fight Till The End'. Glad your enjoying it!
Thanks for faving The Crystal Queen of Sunsets!
Hey there! I'm sending this message to my viewers, just informing them that I've added a new chapter, and that arc one is nearly finished! I hope you keep reading, and I can't wait to start planning out the next story arc!