• Member Since 27th Oct, 2014
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Animated Rarity

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Change in Perspective · 7:24pm May 21st, 2015

My bad about the lack of updates been mostly working or wrapped up in Killer Instinct.
I'll try to release an update soon.....promise :pinkiehappy: so please be patient:twilightsheepish:

Report Animated Rarity · 354 views · Story: Change in Perspectives ·
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Hello there and thank you for adding my story The Heart of Pleasure to your favorites! I would love to read what you liked about it in the comments. ^_^

Yooooo, thanks for the fav on 'Fight Till The End'. Glad your enjoying it!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving The Crystal Queen of Sunsets!

Hey there! I'm sending this message to my viewers, just informing them that I've added a new chapter, and that arc one is nearly finished! I hope you keep reading, and I can't wait to start planning out the next story arc!

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