Hiatus · 4:43pm May 8th, 2017
Sorry guys, I'm having to put my stories on hiatus. I will work on finishing the search, but not start my next story soon. I've got two more stories left in this overall story and they will come out, I just won't even be starting till next year. Life is a little too much at the moment and I have too many projects to do. Sorry for the cliffhanger.
Cool. I'm happy that your still here. Get around to it when you want, no rush. Just wanted to see If a three year old story will survive. Keep on living.
believe it or not, I'm alive and just remember that I had this today. (Found the story in my trash for some reason). i plan on finishing it at some point, just been working on my original content at the moment.
Are you living or deading? I like your stories so I hope your living. Please consider continuing writing on them.
Your spike story's are fantastic, keep them up!
Nicely done!