Status Update · 7:10am Mar 26th, 2018
So, I am actually still alive. I know it's been ages since I've updated any of my stories, but I've been exceedingly busy lately, and haven't had much time to write. It's sucked, but hopefully, time is going to start freeing up for some creativity to flow again. So don't worry, I've not abandoned my stories yet.
That's pretty much all. Just wanted to assuage any fears of my impending rigor mortis.
Thanks a bunch for the fave on Defect!
Best name.
1918192 Ah, but you only shouldn't eat them when you're alone. Among friends, chomp away. I myself have a special affinity for eating lemons in groups.
Never eat the lemons, ever.
Redwall! Saw your comment posted to Tears of Gaia. Missing Brian Jacques.