A new group for those of us who are in school! · 11:37pm Nov 6th, 2014
Maybe you're a high school or college student. Maybe you're a teacher or professor. Maybe you like to read or write stories about ponies in school.
Join me in this new group called Scholars of Equestria! We all get that school experience, so let's join together as the ponies/bronies/pegasisters/pony-lover-or-whatever-you-go-by's that are stuck in educational situations.
IT might even be fun.
... please? come back
sis? you're okay?
Sis? You're alive?
1497087 I know how it feels sis. There is so much I have to do.......
hey,it's cool. But I will keep calling you Tyler d of rose
I will never be mad on you.......