• Member Since 13th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 7th, 2018


Born in California, raised in Norway, currently residing in Arizona. Interests include chemistry, mathematics, literature, and learning.

Comments ( 17 )
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Thank you so much for favoriting my story!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite, it makes me super warm on the inside, almost like I'm inside a microwave, in a good way. :pinkiecrazy:

Hello Hrafn! Thank you so much for Fav-ing Eagle of Equestria! I really appreciate the support! :pinkiehappy:

Don't get your hopes up - I only comment if I have something to say, which I usually don't.

Thanks for the fave. I look forward to your feedback. :twilightsmile:

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Everfree Survival & Ponies · 6:20pm Mar 25th, 2013

So it was requested of me that I add some ponies to Everfree Survival. If you did meet a pony in the story, what would you say and do? It'd probably be a sort of omake chapter rather than a serious one, so anything goes. Well... Try to keep it SFW, eh?

Report Hrafn · 387 views ·