• Member Since 10th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2024

Fuzzy Necromancer

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Further word on To Serve Bronies:
I know it's taking a really long time. I seem to have gotten into a vicious cycle. The closer I get to the ending, the more nervous I get about pulling off the narrative climax and making it good enough to justify the buildup that has gone before. The more anxious I get, the harder it is to write or be productive, and the smaller and more infrequent my updates are. As the fic stretches out with minimal updates and feedback, well then I feel more pressure to make up for it by writing a really good finish. =S
Thank you for sticking with me this far. There are lots of other cool fanfics you can read while waiting for my next update to clunk into place.

Hey everypony. To anyone following To Serve Bronies, or who stopped following To Serve Bronies a few ice ages after the last update, sorry. I really do plan to update this soon and get back in the saddle. It might take a long time, but I promise I WILL finish this tale.

*sipping some Woodchuck Winter Edition right now*

Danke. :pinkiesmile:

Awesome avatar. Good cider too.

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