• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 13th, 2022



next story update · 8:55am Sep 4th, 2013

Hey folks, i'm sure that those of you who read the Author's Notes are aware of this already, but just a general heads up, the next update is behind schedule. things came up in my life in "reality" and has taken up more of my attention than i thought. so the bad news, it'll probably be another couple weeks before the next update, hopefully less. the good news though, is that there will be more than one chapter uploaded this next time around, so you'll get more bank for your buck in that regard.

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I love Apple of my Eye so much it inspired me to make plans drawing Orion and Aurora; in simple terms, it has become one of my favorite stories to read.

It had been long since 2013, with you inactive for years, people, and so am i, are all wondering how you are doing. I hope you are fine and well.

You still alive I love apple of my eye

*pokes musicalreader with pointy stick* you still alive?

649189 Jesus Christ Lilith, you're everywhere! Your stalking all my friends!

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