The Last Necromancer chapter update! · 5:56pm Jan 31st, 2017
So I was contacted over the weekend about some grammatical mistakes in the current chapter of TLN and decided that as soon as my semester was up I'd edit. Well, that day is today, so anyone who wants to try to find the edits can go do so here!
To anyone looking for NEW chapters, please be patient I'm working as fast as I can while balancing my schedule and other hobbies!
Thanks for the fav on "To Name a Rainfall," I appreciate it!
Hey there! Just wanted to thank you for the fav of my Discord one-shot story! If you care to leave a comment of some kind feel free. I love those more than life itself! Not literally but you get my point.
Thank you so much for faving Magisight!
Thanks for the favorite!
Thanks for the fave