• Member Since 12th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2015


Canadian. Enjoys writing... and loaths it at the same time. Enjoys reading, animals, games, nighttime, family, nature, and turning little cousins into personal minions. Is a procrastinator.


Celestia is feeling maternally nostalgic, Twilight accidentally turns her body into that of a filly, and Luna experiences the joy of being an aunt. Also; Trixie will eventually become a guard for a day, Discord will at some point have a few good laughs, and Spike will have to deal with his big sister suddenly being shorter than him when he's actually informed.

This is a Twilight/Celestia mother-figure/daughter-figure family fluff filled story stuck together with humor. Pretend this thing has a fluff tag. Also, there will most likely be no pairings in this story that aren't canon-compliant.

Note: Updates shall be erratic. Very erratic. I apologize in advance.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 170 )

Lovely start to the story. :pinkiesmile:

I can see nothing wrong so far, keep it up and update swiftly :twilightsmile:

i love it :pinkiehappy: and i also always love story like this one

Congratulations this story has just earned a spot in my top 10 favorite stories that I've had the pleasure of reading, please keep up the good work. :pinkiesmile:

I can already tell im going to love this story:rainbowkiss:
:trollestia::heart::twilightsmile: wither it be lovers, family or mother and daughter will always be my favorite.

... the D'Awww factor here can't be resisted! :pinkiesad2:

Seriously, awesome story so far. Favorite and upvote.

Ah, the sword of cuddliness is once again strong.
Lovely story, as expected, instant pick-me-up, though I am already dreading whatever Luna's idea of subtlety is.

there is one word i use more than anything else in this fanwork: Potential.

Aww, that's cute. I don't care about cute.
What I do care about is a well-written story, and that's what I see so far. I'll be watching this to see where this goes.
I'm also guessing Luna might not have to prove anything after all.

Ok, a few questions:
1. Will the regression only affect Twilight's body or will her mind also turn into the one of a foal?
2. If her adult mind remains, please don't make this a story where Celestia forces Twilight be a foal against her will

Thank you :twilightsmile: I have the next chapter sort of planned out, so it shouldn't take too long.
I'm glad you like it! An idea popped into my head and instead of ignoring it until it went away, I decided 'why not?' and went ahead and ignored my cramming session (in hindsight, not a great idea) since I also enjoy the concept.
Woohoo! Awesomeness. I hope the following chapters will contiue to be enjoyable.
I'm with you there; I love seeing positive interactions between the two.
Yeah; as you can see, feel-good-fluff is pretty much my genre of choice :twilightsmile: Glad you like it.
Cuddliness is awesomeness, as are warm fuzzy feelings :twilightsmile: As for Luna... well...:pinkiehappy:
Thanks :twilightsmile: Now I just have to not screw up the following chapters...
Well, cuteness will be bountiful in this story, but I'll do my utmost best to make sure it stays well-written. If the quality drops, point it out and it shall be fixed/rewritten. I know how poor quality writing can completely destroy an otherwise good story... As for Luna having to prove her point... well... both Twilight and Celestia can be stubborn. And she'll have to find Twilight first...
1. I was carefully specific with the wording in the summary; Twilight changes her body, but retains her adult mind/memories. Her magic may take a bit of a dip, though.
2. Nope. Celestia's all for having her regular-sized Twilight back, however it's ultimately up to Twiight to change herself back to normal. It was, after all, Twilight's heart that made the wish... And this sounds kind of spoiler-y...

Heyoo, nice story so far. Keep it up! :twilightsmile:

What a lovely sweet story. I look forward to reading more.

Whelp...I'll be awaiting the next update.:twilightsmile:

3247032 Well that makes two of us then. I'm sorry if my earlier comment came off as egotistical, but this really IS an excellent story, and I hope you continue to do it justice. I forgot to do this earlier but I give this chapter 10 out of 10 moustache's.

:moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Oh god, here comes D'AAWWWWWWwwww bomb!

Pretty sweet start, interesting.

This is everything I've ever wanted with a Twilestia fic.

Thanks; I intend to.:pinkiehappy:
Heart-warming speckled with bits of comedy is what I'm going for... actually, it's pretty much all I'm good at writing...:twilightsheepish:
Glad to hear it :twilightsmile: It shouldn't take too long for me to finish the next chapter; I already have about 1500 words done, but all that's really happened at this point is that Twilight woke up and mumblemumble
Nah, I saw no ego... unless it was there and went over my head. Completely possible. I enjoy knowing that others are enjoying my stories, but just incase the folowing chapters don't live up to expectations, I'm taking those 10 :moustache:'s and hiding them. Forever:pinkiecrazy:.
Yeah, D'awww is pretty much the main ingredient:pinkiehappy:

Fluff is always good. I will be adding this to my group: Heartwarming. The group dedicated to all things fluff and daww inducing.

3247032 Your welcome and ok

This story looks like it will be just too cute!
Must see what happens next.


This is very sweet. I have always liked stories that explore the mother/daughter relationship between Celestia and Twilight because it seems like such a natural fit for their characters to me.

3247797 LOL it's alright you don't have to hide them, in fact you should put them on your fridge for all to see. :eeyup:

I don't take back chapter grades. Well with the sol exception being if the chapter is re-written, and even then I don't take the previous grade back, I just issue a new one. :twilightsmile:

I try and rate a story chapter by chapter as it's written and then give the story an over all grading once the story is done even if I don't always post it in my review, as for meeting my standards all I ask is that you try your best on each chapter and have fun writing them, because if you do that I find it generally shows it in the chapter. :pinkiesmile:

What I imagine Celestia's face will be when she see's Twi filly.

3248935 Now I'm having an even harder time waiting for the story to update! :pinkiehappy:

"...significantly smaller version of her the pony on her back."
There seems to be an extra her in there.
This is the only issue I found. Great job. :pinkiehappy:

I've always liked fics that focus on Celestia/Twilight relationships, be it friendship, mother/daughter or romance. It just appeals to me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.

I like what I've seen so far. Keep this up and I will most definitely keep reading.

Uh oh, another really good one I'll have to keep my eye on. Jeez, I really should find something better to do with my time, but until then... :twilightsmile:


another one to watch out for. heh I'm spending too much time reading others fics and not working on my own.

Mmmm... facetoast! :rainbowlaugh:

Favourited and looking forward to the next chapter of fluffy goodness! :twilightsmile:

That makes three of us, I guess.

HermitKlam i got a question when will more chapters for this story come out

This was so adorable that I nearly melted into a puddle of fluff muffins. Keep up the good work.

I concur with the overall audience reaction, possibly with more 'Squeeee!' though.

Can't wait for another update to this, defiantly on my watch list :twilightsmile:

3257380>>3255590 : I Started 1 that will never get out of typing ,got too many ideas its hard for me to type :eeyup:: EEYUP :yay::heart::eeyup: FFFFFFFFOOOOORRRRREEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR

I know that feeling...

This story is very emotional and good I like it. :twilightsmile::heart:

This is my first ever time reading FIM fanfiction and I am so happy it was yours!
I am really looking forward to the rest of the story.
Go family fluff! :heart:

Please hurry with the next chap:pinkiesad2:

*poke* *prod* *poke*

You still alive, HermitKlam? It's been weeks since you posted updates for any of your stories. We're getting just a little bit worried over here.

Also, I just re-read all of your stuff. They're still just as good as when I read them the first time around.

*pushes the upvote button repeatedly* Damn this broken thing, it won't let me upvote twice!

More, you must make more. Please put up the next chapter soon. Fail to update your story, and you will feel my Flutterrage.:flutterrage:

p.s. I am you 335th like.

yay chapter 2 and that ok and i like it

and banish her once more to the moon.

Too bad she can't do that

Well, I must say I like this continuation and hope to see more soon.

None can resist the adorableness of filly Twi.

Dawwwwww. Oh no... my heart:heart:... my poor heart:heart:... hnnnnnng. ---:heart:----:heart:----:heart:-------------:heart:-----------------------------------------*death by cuteness.*

Its all a dream....


But yeah unicorn guard to pegasus

It was completely and utterly foolproof.

Never say that anything is foolproof, the fools a way much smarter than that.

An odd thought occurs to me.

How will Twilight Velvet react when she hears that her daughter has regressed to a filly? Surely someone will see fit to inform her.

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