After taking over the friendship school, Starlight Glimmer begins to get frustrated. It isn't running the school itself that is frustrating her, it is one particular individual and his interest in her. After doing some deep thinking and talking with Trixie and Phyllis, she comes up with a magical plan to fix the problem. Thing is, she might take things a few steps too far.
Wait, who's Phyllis?
A potted plant. (I am somehow not joking.)
She is Starlight's plant from season nine....and she does talk to it.
Well Starlight's murder spree continues.
Causes the deaths of millions in the Branching timelines in her timetravel fiasco.
What's one more after all it's not like she went insane that Sunburst her best friend at the time left to go to school after he got his cutie mark.
That she declared war on Cutie marks and had to be put down Twice by the current Sovereign.
Nah what's one more death between friends I'm sure Twilight will be understanding when she finds out not if when.
She didn't kill anypony! She simply transformed the troublemaker into a 12 year old filly! That isn't too bad, right?
This is great! I'm definitely favoriting it!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
You're welcome. :D
With as good as Starlight is with magic, she could just do the same thing to Twilight and anypony else who got in her way!
Oh boy. Starlight’s cracked. She’s cracked real bad. She’s acting like Phyllis is alive and is gonna use a spell on Sunburst. I blame Sunburst, for he pushed her too hard.
You’re taking ideas from a plant Starlight. You are definitely nuts.
Yeah, and it became the most wildly hated Starlight episode, and the comparisons between Starlight and Sunset went on and on and… sorry got a little personal there.
Insanity thy name is Starlight.
Honestly the best comment I could come up with.
Did Chrysalis cocoon you too tight in the finale or something Starlight? Ah well, at least Trixie is actually being realistic about the situation. I probably wouldn’t wanna be around Starlight either.
Hey, Starlight got the job done, right? Others brought up what Twilight would think....Starlight could do the same thing to her, and Trixie if the situation warranted it.
Yes yes. She got the job done but now she’s regressing back to her evil state given what you just pointed out. Not really a lot of positives for me. However, I don’t completely dislike the story because I found it kinda funny how insane Starlight acted and Trixie at least reacted the way normal people should.
I don't see her reverting to her evil state....I simply see it as her solving a problem without taking a life.
Okay. Maybe not evil, but it’s still scummy to erase his entire personality. Besides, Starlight could have handled that in so many different ways, she could’ve just fired him or something and tell her friends and the students that Sunburst was making unwanted moves on her if she was questioned. They’d believe her, she’s much more trusted than Sunburst is. She didn’t have to use this spell on him.
Again, this story is funny in a way, but still, next time if you decide to portray Sunburst in this type of manner(again, that’s an if because I am aware you portrayed him positively before), don’t have Starlight go to the extreme to deal with him. It’ll make her look bad and we all know that none of us want that.
Well whether I do anything like this or not again remains to be seen. I'm going to try and get back to work on what I'm hoping will be my best story, I got stuck in a rut with it back in March....and it involves Starlight and an OC of mine....more of an adventure story than anything else.