• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I write romance with intimacies, not clop. To my readers, I quote The Bard: “We who prologue-like your humble patience pray, Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play.” (Henry V)


This story is a sequel to Night Mares

It was more than either Luna or Twilight ever expected. To be wed to the pony of their dreams.

But amidst the bliss, word comes of a threat to something dear to Luna’s heart. Something only she and Celestia know. It had been what started the cause of the division between she and her sister, the one that lead to Nightmare Moon.

But with a joined destiny, Twilight and friends will be called upon to heal a broken past. But at what cost?

This threat will be met by Luna, Twilight and her friends. But will something happen to lead to, not only the return of Nightmare Moon, but also the rise of Daybreaker and Dark Star?

And will the Elements of Harmony have any power over what is to come?

This is unfinished but I am working to finish it.

Note: This part of the story was inspired by music video by Siritto and Lionheartcartoon. Including the lyrics taken from Edgar Allen Poe’s Children of the Night

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 35 )

And now the worst part of finding and reading something new: waiting for updates.

7292745 I hope it will be worth it. I have big plans.

7304095 It is in my 'to do' pile. Your patients will be rewarded.

do you know when the next update will be

7353581 I would like to say soon.

I would also like to say that I'm a hansom man in his prime with a fortune that rivals Bill Gates and have the sex drive of a rhino in rut.

Sadly to say, I'm not. :facehoof:

But I will work on the story as I can.

Have a little faith baby!

7354179 moar but im not liking tat tragedy tag twilight or luna better not die

7354186 I won't give anything away. Remember that nothing is permanent.

I agree if twilight or luna dies I will be pissed. Though I would like to see luna and twily rule a realm together


7737928 I'm working on it, but I fall into the trap of getting a great idea and I have to run with it so I don't loose it.

7946611 Thanks for liking it enough to ask. Working on it, but when you have a fulltime life, it gets hard to find the time to write.
Thanks again. :twilightsmile:

*fidgets uncontrolably* make more please!!!!!!!!!!!! *blushes* w-when you have the time that is

8139500 Thanks for your interest. I am working on it along with several other projects. I sometimes feel like Pinkie Pie in Do Princesses Dream Of Magical Sheep, an Idea pops in my head and I have to go for it or lose it. I just finished 2 AJxTwi’s and am polishing them and will release them soon. However this one will be one of the first I will pick back up once that’s done.
Thanks again!

No, just a lot of irons in the fire. I have more done than id published.

Take your time my friend. I'm glad your still working on this.

I'd like to point out that Anubis is a poor choice for a title of such mythology, since Anubis as a deity was a fair judge who guided souls of the dead to the afterlife, processed and helped mummify people to prepare their bodies for eternity, and judged the wicked and the fair to their appropriate destinations. Whether a good heaven or the belly of Ammit for those who were wicked.

Apep the Serpent would likely be the better choice, representing the anti-thesis to balance, harmony, and morality.

Yes, but Anubis being the guide of the souls, he was also seen as a god of death. Apep would be a good choice but so might be Amut, the eater of unworthy hearts.

Knowledge of Egyptian gods is impressive in this day and age. As a doctor of theology, I had to learn such things. Bravo to you, my friend.

Now i 'm going to have to reread this to remind myself why i watched it in the first place, but good to see such a story that has been on hold for so long still alive. gives hope for other such stories that are good, in my opinion, that have the same long time between now and the last chapter they wrote to continue again. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks, I have a few other unfinished ones I'm working on along with a couple unpublished.

Thanks for updating this my friend. I'll be reading it soon.

Great update my friend. I can't wait for more.

I can't wait to see this go on, this was an great update and I really loved the first part and to see 2nd part ALIVE is just great, please keep up the good work and don't rush, and have an good time and good night

Thanks for your kind words. I am working at it.

Your welcome and thanks for not abandoning this, I seen alot of good fics just to be abandoned or just dying and the author not even caring to put the cancelled tag on, in really happy this is being updated, and please keep it up


This threat will be met by Luna, Twilight and her friends. But will something happen to lead to, not only the return of Nightmare Moon, but also the rise of Daybreaker and Dark Star?

You do know that Twilights nightmare form is called Midnight Sparkle, right?

EqG Twilight is Midnight Sparkle. This is an AU and why I chose the name will be apparent, when I get this finished.

Twilight turned the mirror with her magic and Luna saw that between the ‘horns’ of her crescent moon cutie mark was now a six pointed star.

It took them an entire story just to realize this? I thought they noticed there Cutie Mark's changed right after getting married.

“Let’s all go to my quarters,” said Celestia, “so we can talk.”


“Luna,” said Celestia, “you were forgiven ages ago. I suffered probably as much as you did when you were in the moon. You with your forced isolation and me with the isolation I forced on myself.”

Uhh, no, I feel like Celestia needs to apologize, what you just said is that ponies were suffering and Celestia couldn't care less and then when Luna was helping now Celestia is mad? For what reason?

“The rest you know, I was justifiably exiled to the moon. You saw the signs and knew of my returning. My sister did as well and knew your potential. Your studies gave you the knowledge and power to defeat me. But you didn’t have the abilities yet because the Elements of Harmony are also the Elements of Friendship. Once you let true friendship into your heart, you were able to overcome the darkness that had gripped me. Freeing me to become loved by the pony that liberated me.

HOOOOW!? THIS LITTERLY MAKES NO SENSE! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this makes 0 sense! Your telling me Luna wanted to help ponies, Celestia refused, Luna helped anyways, Celestia got angry and then banished her. HOW IS THAT JUSTIFIED!?

“Twilight,” said Celestia, “some princess needs to stay here in reserve. Or at worst, to man the home front, in case the two of you fail.”

Where is Cadance? And if they fail, wouldn't that mean it would be impossible to stop him?

But soon she felt a pony getting back under the covers. It was dark in her room so she didn’t see clearly the pony that had joined her. Rainbow smiled and reached out and embraced the pony. Rainbow’s hoof was sliding down and caressing her breasts, then was rubbing her marehood.
“Ready for more, Fire my love?” asked Rainbow.

I feel like this should be a mature rated story, just like the previous story. At which point does the site draw the line between Teen and Mature?

It was two hours later. There was a large flat field outside the city, it was Canterlot’s mustering grounds. On a platform at one end of the field stood Princesses Celestia, Luna and Twilight. Luna and Twilight were in battle armor. This was a first for Twilight and she felt uncomfortable. Andromeda was on the platform as well, feeling very out of place as well. Rainbow had loaned a pair of her sunglasses to Twilight for the nocturnal mare.

I'm having trouble picturing Twilight in battle Armor.

The larger contingent, the Guard of the Sun will be in reserve and at high alert while we are away, There is a detachment of Chrystal Guard already on the way here led by Shining Armor to help shore up your depleted numbers. Being they are at the opposite end of Equestria, the Crystal Empire can almost be sure of being secure from any attack that would come from there.

Right, I forgot Cadance is ruling the Crystal Empire.

I hope to see an update in the future.

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