• Member Since 14th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2023


Authors are like changelings: you need to give them love, affection, and attention for them to grow stronger

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Pokemon Go : shameless self promotion for friendship · 5:23am Jan 8th, 2019

Anyone else play pokemon go? Here is my training code

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Report Ravencrofte · 240 views · #pokemon
Comments ( 12 )
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Thank you for watching me. I hope you enjoy my works.

Thank you so much for the watch! I hope you look forward to the content I bring. :heart: :raritywink:

And here I had put it on a permanent hold because no one was showing interest. I'll see about finishing it up since it's already 2/3 done

Thanks for the favorite on Cauldron Club, and wow, does your story look interesting! Adding it to my read later list as I type! :pinkiegasp:

Interesting! I've always considered my dialogue to be stronger than my other text, but I didn't realize that was a feminine thing. Well, something to consider moving forward. Happy hunting!

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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