A long time ago, before Luna's transformation into Nightmare moon, a new citizen was welcomed into Equestria. He was no pony, in fact he was something new altogether. He was what was known as a human. The two sisters welcomed him into their nation, and even befriended him. And for a time, they got along great. Until the nightmares started. The human's mind began to be plagued by horrible nightmares, in which his new friends would put him through terrible torture. After a time he began to see these dreams, not as tormented visions, but as a warning. He began to realize that the nightmares weren't there to hurt him, they were there to save him. And so he gave himself over to them. The two sisters tried to reason with him, telling him that he was sick, but he refused to listen. Retreating into the world of nightmares, this human disappeared, and hasn't been seen or heard of for a long, long time. Until now. And he has changed.