Hi everyone! I'm Zerum Whooves... the discorded doctor of Time Turner, or Doctor Whooves. Feel free to post anything that contails this OC or Time Turner. I also accept Ditzy and Derpy Hooves stories as well. I will not accept Clop stories however. Say anything you want, but do not call me Captain Emo.
Zernum and ScarfTie make Hours feel welcome.
Congratulations! This group was listed in New Groups. Due to its freshness, a spot in the Groups of New was well earned.
Ok, here goes.
I don't really have much on Dr. Whooves in any of his incarnations of the Pony form.
I do have a few Ditzy Doo/Derpy Whooves stories.
The once first coming to mind is an exploration of Changelings via a relation between her and a Changeling.
There should be a few other stories with one or both of them as well, published or preparing for publication.
Seems I was the third in here?
Would you please add at least one folder or Deer-Foal for the stories?
Why would Annie call you "Captain Emo" or (Emu)?
I take it you are no one of these Edgy Emo 'Guys', then!