• Member Since 26th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen May 24th, 2023


I'm Foals Errand's husband. A fanfic author with experience in anime and sci fi fics mostly. I'm now branching out.

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For Which He Stands · 6:00pm Jun 4th, 2016

So I wrote a little story in the aftermath of the new Captain America controversy. I personally don't like the concepts behind the new comic line but Free Speech is part of the values the character is supposed to represent so I suggested to people that if they did not like the idea of Captain America being a member of Hydra, that they just don't buy the blasted comic book!

The issue that caused all the controversy and Death Threats even? (!) Sold out and went into second printing.

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Report FoalsHalf · 511 views · #Wake Up!
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

What are you branching out to? I really want to read more of your work!

Have a watch, you've earned it!

Thanks so much for the fave!!!

1878000 But you are now a slave to us, so you have to write what we say. It is called a work camp for a reason after all.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~


Sorry... I already owe the Mistress of Niflheim 10,000 words and another 3,000 to Lady Seto and Princess Ayeka... Come to think about it... Battleship Kongo is waiting for a chapter also... Oh well...

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