• Member Since 8th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 10th, 2023


Just a crazy bat pony who loves to classy slice of life or romance stories, and action adventure type stories to pass the time.


Posted · 11:03pm Dec 4th, 2016

So i posted the first chapter, Im just waiting for approval. Lets hope it dont take to long.

Report RainCrasher · 332 views ·
Comments ( 73 )
  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73

You're very welcome! I enjoyed reading them very much!

I appreciate the faves on "Can Ya Fix Her?" and "I Feel Beautiful". And thank you so much for the follow! :raritystarry:

2241244 But of course. and you was the one who linked me your profile on skype haha

Thank you much
For the Watch

  • Viewing 69 - 73 of 73
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