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Umbral Afro


Bad guys! Explosions! Action! Things! (also stuff) · 1:51pm Aug 25th, 2014

Sup y'all! Long time no see, and too long without any productive activity. I'm back from the void, and I bring news of things to come.
Besides the new name, I've started something new in a collab with my buddy Fayte, and we're planning to have the 1st chapter out within a month.

So, I leave y'all with with this for now.

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Comments ( 16 )
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Mentally Advanced Series: HOO

thanks for the fave!

1243715 Well more like expansions. I'm going to tell a few stories set in the same universe but, I can promise you I will be going South again. :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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