All you MTG fans out there can have fun discussing magic/bragging about your amazing pulls and stories.

Pulls, drafts, pack wars, wizards tower, deck building, trades, wins, and anything else.

Dead Lock - plays Rakdos burn
Hedgehog - plays red - green (Gruul) big creatures

First person to realize and point out this message gets a hug and a secretly secret!

Comments ( 21 )
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356847 I have the ajani planeswalker that you showed and it works well in the deck I put it in

I just made a story that features the CMC and several other characters playing MTG. It follows the proper rules and creatures of the real game along with guides of what decks the characters were using. Here it is

Hello fellow planeswalkers

Orzhov is the best magic deck built in my personal opinon

Well I don't know?!?!:fluttershysad:

So? I spelled it just fine.:ajbemused:

You spelled Gruul wrong.:ajbemused:

Got the best booster EVER!
Nightveil Spector which my sister desperately needs! And will trade almost any thing and a foil those clan rampages I play gruel so that's amazing!

I got a reverent hunter and she got a ... Nothing good / note worthy.
About to do a 2 player pack with gate crash.
Again I'll tell how it goes.

Got delayed still in middle... Will be a while

I'm about to do a pack war with my sister.
We'll see what happens!


Nice, my sister also plays orzhov extort on the side. And she actually traded a few extra common werewolves to a kid who loves them for his blood barren of vizkopa (he didn't know how valuable it was)

I play B/G/W Infect/Token Army. And my other favorite is my own personally built Orzhov Extortion Deck. (Black/White Life Gain/Life Loss/Damage prevention :D)

I don't think she'd play me for it because I actually always win when we play and I'm buying the game anyways so I'll just get my own soon.

consuming aberration love that card and if you put it with migraine its an amazing combo. as for your foil predicament you could play her for it if you confident enough but if she's playing mill like you said it doesn't sound like you'll win, anyway thats my two bits

I recently did a pack war with my sister...:twilightblush:
And her rare in the pack... Mutavault. Why? Why did she get it!:twilightangry2: and I got... Savage summoning. Probably one of the worst rares I could pull. Now I'm broke and she pulled a scavenging ooze. That's one of the more expensive cards I need for my deck. But I traded her for a consuming aberration ( she plays mill) and now she bought mtg duel of the planes walkers so she has a foil promo scavenging ooze. And I don't have much to trade her. ( that's way to valuable) any ideas?

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