• Member Since 7th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 22nd, 2015

Ninja No Theme

Ninjas shouldn't have theme songs, they mess with sneaking. PM me if you want to chat I am a huge fan of people.

The strange things from my head

I love making friends

Steam name--ninjanotheme

so... I have this badge now

ACHIEVEMENT GET! look at this post

make an account on fimfiction
join a group

first error 502

don't get banned

publish a Pinkie Pie story

earn five achievements


I'm bored. · 10:03pm Jun 26th, 2015

Does anyone want to chat? Hang out?

Report Ninja No Theme · 404 views ·

Keam drew this for me thank you

Stuff I'm doing

Button's week. Button Mash was sheltered, to say the least. He took a scooter to school, a scooter home, then played video games. This is Button's week.

Decent into Chaos. Lou Tennent stood upon the castle wall. Whilst pondering the area, he felt the magic plane shift. Two magical entitys were crafted out of nether. The tree of harmony and the tree of discord.

The sound the deaf hear. "yo Octy." I say crashing into the house. The door was a red color, and it lead into the front hall. A table stood: with a blue vase with violets in it, a few framed pictures of me and Octaivia, and one of us on the wall above the table. I froze. Why was the picture straight? when we put it up Octy would straighten it and I would make it crooked I eventually won, but now it was straight why? "Octavia!' I scream and charge into the living room on the floor was a brown body with blood around it. A pony stood above the body a bloody knife in their mouth.

Comments ( 271 )
  • Viewing 267 - 271 of 271

I hope you return bro. I kinda really miss my bro.

I wonder why he left

Where did ya go, bro?

My my .... it's been way too long. How're you?

1822689 So are you! That's why I followed you!

  • Viewing 267 - 271 of 271
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