I am not dead · 3:36am Apr 28th, 2015
For the people who care This World We Live In will continue. I have half of the next chapter already typed up. Now if you do want to know why it has taken so long well I'm not gonna lie, college kicked me in the ass and was on the fast track. So instead of having any time to devote to a story I spent doing work or playing video games with friends. But once finals are over I won't have anything distracting me from writing. So in about two weeks I'll have the next chapter up (hopefully it isn't a
1466428 Well technically she said that bad things would happen if too many individual's went through the portal and Twilight said it'd be awkward if their were two versions of them in the same place, but you get the idea. Thanks
1466421 it has a very interesting concept especially after seeing the movie. I would like to see how the entire situation get handled especially since Celestia mentioned in the first movie that they shouldn't meet their "mirror world" counterpart. Your fic shows great potential, I can't wait till your next chapter.
Thanks for the favorite
May I ask what you liked about it?
1390761 no problem it was a great read.
Thanks for the fave of Poolside Fun