• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2015

Pony In Your House


About time · 8:14pm Jan 1st, 2013

Hurricane sandy survivor, will be in the U.S. Navy.

The detail of how gory or bloody the victim is amazes me and tragedy stories tend to be very well-written and throughtout *squee*

IF ya wanna stay in touch with me here:
Xbox LIVE: Discord Whoove
Pirate Galaxy: Rainbow Dash/Zerum Whooves (Don't have a PC/laptop yet)
The Last Stand Dead Zone: Sir_Vector (Don't have a PC/laptop yet)

*sighs* it's been months...i miss my younger days. (Edit: May 28 2014)

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Hey there thank you for following me! Welcome to the Phoenix-verse!

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About time · 8:14pm Jan 1st, 2013

Hurricane sandy survivor, will be in the U.S. Navy.

The detail of how gory or bloody the victim is amazes me and tragedy stories tend to be very well-written and throughtout *squee*

IF ya wanna stay in touch with me here:
Xbox LIVE: Discord Whoove
Pirate Galaxy: Rainbow Dash/Zerum Whooves (Don't have a PC/laptop yet)
The Last Stand Dead Zone: Sir_Vector (Don't have a PC/laptop yet)

*sighs* it's been months...i miss my younger days. (Edit: May 28 2014)

Report Pony In Your House · 310 views ·

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