Authors are listed in alphabetical order.
CvBrony - I love the stories. Love them. And the worldbuilding. The only thing I do not love is the update schedule (although there is a very good reason for it).
Daetrin - the worldbuilding is absolutely phenomenal.
Estee - seriously, just read the stories. They're good. Triptych's worldbuilding is also excellent, and most of the stories use it. Almost 100% upvoted.
Horse Voice - do you like horror? You'll like this author. Even if you don't, I can't recommend The Writing On The Wall enough. Not recommended: The Great Purple Unicorn Troll (the stories were good as blog posts, but not as a story).
Pineta got science in his ponies. Or maybe ponies in his science? Either way, two great tastes that taste great together.
RustPony. I may be jumping the gun on this, but his first short story is lovely and his second story is off to a strong start. Both are HIE, but unconventional.
Skywriter - One of the people behind Skin Horse. Everything is worth reading.
This guy. Does not write any horse words, as far as I know. He writes under his real name (as far as I know), and may not want that tied to fimfiction. Even so, I must recommend his work.
I recommend both of the long-form stories: Fine Structure (sci-fi), Ra (urban fantasy, sort of?). Also the following shorts: "Causal Noose", "I don't know, Timmy, being God is a big responsibility", "Be Here Now" (Ed story), "The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread" (Ed story), "Time Loop", and "I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library"
Thanks for the fave on Ember, Hoardsmelter.
Thanks for the watch!
Thanks for the fave on The Quest! I'm glad you continue to enjoy my work.
Well, thanks for that fave, too! I hope you enjoy it.