• Member Since 27th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen November 21st


"If you have an idea, that you genuinely think is good, don't let some idiot talk you out of it." -Stan Lee

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Blog Posts

  • 131 weeks

    I have amazing news! The next chapter of Cards Against Wonderbolts is out right now!

    It has also been an entire year, 365 days since I initially published the story.

    and yes, I AM SO SORRY that I let this happen, I will not let this story die, stay tuned for more.

    0 comments · 191 views
  • 159 weeks
    Cards Against Wonderbolts?

    Hey guys. First of all, if you are reading this, and you have liked, favorited or commented on Cards Against Wonderbolts, thank you all so much. It has been my most popular story that I've posted so far, and I really enjoy writing it.

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    2 comments · 266 views
  • 181 weeks
    Where's the next Chapter?

    Hey everybody! After the extremely positive reception from the story so far, I bet a lot of you are eager to read more, and you will!

    Sorry for lack of updates. I've been working literally all week with barely any more time. But I promise, there will be at least one chapter out by Friday, June 11th, and possibly more over the weekend. Looking forward to it.

    Thanks guys! You're all the best!

    1 comments · 207 views
  • 183 weeks
    Holy Sh*t, My STORY IS FEATURED!

    Just saw this on the home page, and my newest story, Card's Against Wonderbolts, has been featured. Holy Sh*t I am so happy right now!

    After two years on this website, I've finally gotten a feature. To those of you who have already read it and given it a like, Thank you so much, I promise to update it soon!

    0 comments · 172 views
  • 189 weeks
    Something big is coming...

    "When we ran away, I thought that would solve all of our problems... but so far, it's only created new ones."

    After Escaping the Wonderbolts and the Shadowbolts, Soarin, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo went into hiding in Fillidelphia for a few months, but things are about to get crazy again, and they will find themselves right back in the conflict, with some familiar faces, both friend and foe alike.

    Old friends, old enemies, and old blood will continue to be spilled in....

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    1 comments · 252 views

THIS STORY ISN"T DEAD! · 11:04pm Jun 1st, 2022

I have amazing news! The next chapter of Cards Against Wonderbolts is out right now!

It has also been an entire year, 365 days since I initially published the story.

and yes, I AM SO SORRY that I let this happen, I will not let this story die, stay tuned for more.

Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7

Thank you so much for the watch! :pinkiehappy:

And thank you for having added Welcome Home Soldier to your favorites. I'm really grateful for that, hope you continue to enjoy it, sugarcube. :ajsmug: :eeyup:

Huzzah Soarindash:rainbowdetermined2:

Your work deserves it man, keep up the good work. Oh, and the two of us having the same favorite characters works too

Thanks for the follow too! :eeyup:

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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