This story is a sequel to Daring Do: The Night Before
Contains spoilers from Season 9 Episode 21!
After years and years of being archenemies with little interest in reconciliation, all it took was one little adventure for Daring Do and Dr. Caballeron to bury the hatchet and become friends, resulting in them writing a collaboration novel under their aliases. But after a few months of traveling around Equestria to promote the book together, something happens when the pair are in Fillydelphia during a Daring Do convention.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that they had sex? Just a vague feeling I get...
That was very tastefully done.
This is my first Daring Doo story I've read here and I must say you did a very excellent job.
Thanks. I'm glad you like it.
You're very welcome.
This and the prequel story was amazing you did really great might I say it was sweet and adorable
Well this was a very interesting story and somehow very cute apparently daring do really got drunk badly and Caballeron helped her to the hotel and somehow share a passionate kiss with each other and apparently they both actually falling in love with each other despite her hangover she actually enjoyed herself with him this was pretty good keep up the good work