• Member Since 15th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Onyx Quill

G4 and G5. Did Hasbro manage to catch lightning in a bottle twice??

Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

Thanks for the fav on This Mortal Coil! (You should check out the backstories ;) :twilightsmile:

Thank you for favouriting "Sunny Starscout & Izzy Moonbow: Serial Killers"! :scootangel:

Merci Beaucoup for adding Nightmare Night to your library. What about it did you enjoy???

Howdy howdy!

Thanks for adding Taboo to your favorites!

Heyo! Just here to say a big Thanks from me to you, for the fave The Truth Behind The Storm! I appreciate any and all love given toward my work! Thank you again!:heart:

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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