Celestia thought that the next two weeks were going to be a nice get together with her niece and her sister, no irritating nobles, no magical end of the world nonsense, and most importantly, no Blueblood.
She did NOT expect a weird creature calling itself the Cuddle Bandit harassing her. Now Luna's in love and Cadence can't stop laughing.
.... Why can't her vacations ever be normal?
Thanks to Tstyson, MasterFrasca99, Astrocity, and Procket12 for all of the stuff they did.
A watchmen-ish silly fic by a silly, silly author. If your looking for a story with a plot or one that is well-written then read this one.
And nope, I'm not being sarcastic....
No, really...
...except the mods...
I heard things about this story from OEE.
Frightening things. I'll have to give it a read.
This was relentlessly stupid, and I loved it.
Take a moustache.
trucking beautiful
Seriously this story should get 10 million likes and negative 1000 down votes!
This story is pure win. I wish Celestia would embrace the cuddles though.
Just... Alright. Not bad.
Effort was put into this. Not bad at all.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Maybe platform would be a better word for that?
Remove the and.
You need to remove the break (is this the right term?) from this.
I'm sorry I did this, but I just want to help.
This was pretty good, in a silly kind of way.
Hmmmm, if the Cuddle Bandit marries Luna, then he would have to stay in the castle and Celestia would have no choice but to put up and interact with him, Slowly he'll wear away at her........ slowly.......
Why has this end come to us so swiftly.
Its so beautiful.
Can you ... make a sequal?
Doctor, I have a severe case of the LOL's for the past two hours! I can barely breathe...!
Tell my friends that I hate them.
Great story, any ideas for a stupid silly sequel?
Adorably fun. Could use a proof edit though. Yew half two many homophones inn they're.
He never finished his goal! Celestia must embrace the cuddling
Okay, first, that was the most hilariously stupid thing I've ever seen.
Second, why do all of the comments have two dislikes?
Because some childish people have brought it upon themselves to hit that button for no apparent reason.
This needs to be continued ... the cuddles cannot stop! EMBRACE THE CUD-ah to heck with it.
What a silly story.
That was ridiculously silly and I loved every minute of it.
Well, except the ending. That bit was a tad disappointing. But the rest was great!
Please please please please do a sequel. Perhaps he targets Ponyville? Or targets specific background characters? Perhaps a villain rises amongst the ranks to stop his Cuddle Crusade?
this is one of those stories where the warnings are better off at the start of the story, cuddle bastard.
I have no idea why I like this. I must be mental.
I loved this so much i shall now commence the dance of joy.
...Is that a Watchmen reference?
Yup, that's a Watchmen reference...
That...was actually pretty good. Please continue...
This is truly a story only for those with a true sense of humor and silliness...
someone call the internet police
You need to make a sequel this has been the best story I've read so far so basically"MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was so extremely happy, until the ending, which left me sad and cuddleless Enjoyed it regardless, upvoting
I demand more
That sounds familiar. I'm not sure where I've heard it, but I know I saw something like this before.
Also, the cuddle bandit is the only human I'm okay with going into ponies' beds. Also Luna X Cuddle Bandit is best ship.
Why do so many comments have thumbs down when they're just saying whether or not they enjoyed it? Even the constructive criticism comment was thumbed down.
Oh my God, this was so funny! It was cute, funny, had just enough non cute and funny parts, you really need to do a sequel to this. THE CUDDLES CAN NOT BE STOPPED!! EMBRACE THE CUDDLES! And embrace the cute!!!! Random moustache!
More pls.
ok... the warning couldn't have been more fitting, i was giggling the entire story
i dare the The Cuddle Bandit to cuddle the most dangerous of all, i dare him to cuddle Discord
This was so cute and adorable, I think I just got diabetes.
...I am okay with that.
i hope heads rolled for that fuck up.
This sums up my feelings quite nicely (if a bit too angrily)
Please continue.
Ahahaha! This is absolutely fantastic!
so... when's the sequel coming out?
Tis an amazing cuddly story full of fun... AND CUDDLES!!! I MUST HAVE MOAR!!!
Freaking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiufhitybseitbausyetbyoetktalhk7t7tt;at8lt.;tohtaot[pottptjrpitjr'og.t[0.atrt/.tt.patiehtoihat,taoitjtiohanpintta
For could not keep a straight face when reading this. It was hilarious. And his weapons are teddy bears which makes it that much funnier.