• Member Since 13th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Blog Posts

  • 175 weeks
    Artemis' Gender

    Hello everyone,

    If you're reading this, you are most likely up-to-date on 'The Reluctant Protector', so you already know when I say...

    Artemis is female!

    I've been getting a lot of comments and PM's asking me about or talking about Artemis' gender. Because of this, I'm adding an authors note to the top of chapter 1 explaining. I'll copy and paste it here so you don't have to go back and read it.

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    12 comments · 271 views
  • 177 weeks
    Chapter 21

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first blog post... but you know that. Obviously. ugh

    I just wanted to let you all know that the story is still going, I haven't given up and I haven't lost motivation. I started University again at the end of January so I've been busy with that.

    'Study now, party later' and all that.

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    1 comments · 219 views

Artemis' Gender · 1:50am Mar 14th, 2021

Hello everyone,

If you're reading this, you are most likely up-to-date on 'The Reluctant Protector', so you already know when I say...

Artemis is female!

I've been getting a lot of comments and PM's asking me about or talking about Artemis' gender. Because of this, I'm adding an authors note to the top of chapter 1 explaining. I'll copy and paste it here so you don't have to go back and read it.

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Report LadyMaria · 271 views · Story: The Reluctant Protector ·
Comments ( 32 )
  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32

Thanks for the watch!:heart:

Thanks for the favorite on Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake! Please feel free to let me know your thoughts. :twilightsmile:

Awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Mine is good. 🤓🎈

I am! Hope you're having a good one too!


Hope you're having a real good day! 🤗🤗🤗

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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