• Member Since 28th May, 2015
  • offline last seen March 23rd

Electric Aura

Silly creature at a keyboard

Art n' Stuff

Reference sheet.

Just a birb doing birb things. (Inspired by this.)

Just a cute picture!

Best Pony~ By Ardale


Distracted · 9:17am February 29th

Sorry for the radio silence, I've been in England to visit my boyfriend, so I'm a bit distracted. I still have another month here, but I'm hoping to at least try writing a bit while I'm here.

Report Electric Aura · 62 views ·

Latest Stories

Aura's Personal Collection

What I'm Working On

Active stories are TENTATIVELY back in progress as of 10/25/2023

Good to be Bad: Evasion - Rewriting - Working on chapter 2

Unnamed Good to be Bad stand alone prequel - On Hold - Featuring pre-reformation Sunset Shimmer

Smolder's Totally Hilarious Felony Prank (WIP title) - Drafting - Currently at ~2000 words - Featuring the young six and a prank on Gallus

Comments ( 116 )
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Thanks for reading Rainbow Dash is... Average?"
I hope that you enjoyed it. Feedback is always appreciated.


Thank you for adding my story to your shelf! :heart:

Thanks again for include more of my stories to your library, hope you have a good time with them.👍

Thanks for adding my story to your library, hope you like it.

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