• Member Since 21st Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Who, me? No-one special really. I like to write. That's it. xD


MARS: Chapter 10 Update! · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2021

Heyo everypony!

Okay, so surprisingly, I've written almost FIVE AND A HALF THOUSAND words for the next chapter without realising it... :twilightoops:

so before I publish it, please let me know in the comments if I should post it as one, entire chapter, or split it across 2 or three chapters!

You have until next weekend to let me know which you'd prefer, and why. :raritywink: :twilightsmile:


Chapter Update #whateverItIs · 4:27pm Oct 11th, 2021


MEEP MEEP! I HAVE RETURNED! New Updates #WhateverNumberUpdate · 9:16pm Sep 27th, 2021

Heyo everypony!

I am writing this lovely blog to inform you, that despite all the crazy stuff that's happened in the past year, that I am indeed still working on my EqG and Anthro fanfictions for you amazing ponies, bronies, readers and writers alike! :twilightsmile:

I would also like to give a lovely shout-out to everypony who's been favouriting and commenting on my works - it means a lot to me! :heart:

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[SUS] Story Updates and Stuffs #9? · 12:33pm Jun 18th, 2021


Thought I'd put this out there that I am indeed working on my fanfictions almost full time while I'm waiting for the first slot on my first job to open up for me! Whoop whoop! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

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HEYOOO!!!!! - Voice Actors wanted and a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW Discord Server! · 4:21pm Mar 30th, 2021

Ohayo everypony! :pinkiehappy:

So if anyone following remembers, I created this post a while ago, and despite confusion around the words "voice actor", the voice roles are still open! If you're interested, shoot me a DM or leave a comment and I can DM you any details that you're interested in :raritywink:

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Sorry for keeping all of you waiting!! I've been a little bit busy... aheh...Here's why xD · 10:23am Feb 9th, 2021

heyo everypony!

I just want to say that I'm sorry for making it look like I've gone on hiatus - as a matter of fact, I've actually had a very long period of time where I had to sit down and focus on my university work because I needed to get some assignments done for the middle of January and I've also been working on TWO original novels as well! 😄

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Questions about "MARS" · 4:55pm Aug 19th, 2020

Heya everypony!

To answer your questions about a new book I'm releasing for writers block I accidentally discovered a loophole while I was writing the "Sudden Appearances" book and I'll bring it up with a moderator eventually (soon!) to avoid future issues (but it's a lot easier having someone access it before even one chapter is released!😂)

Anyway, if you want to see any progress, the link to access it is: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/475802/my-anthropony-reincarnation

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Beta Reader Access Form! · 2:12pm Jul 25th, 2020

Hey y'all!

I was busy writing the sequel, when I came up with the idea that any of y'all could help me out with some of my work as beta readers and possibly editors for my work.

If you're interested in seeing future chapters to the sequel and spin-off to the Lucky Chances series, you can sign up below and the top 10 users out of 50 entries will get the chance to enjoy future chapter plans as well as give feedback on what i should or shouldn't include 😉

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Heyo! New Stories Released! · 10:27pm Jul 24th, 2020

HEEYOOOO, Everypony!!!

As you can see, I have released the first parts of both Meddling Memories, which includes a scene I couldn't previously fit into my epilogue of Lucky Chances (because it was about 800-1100 more words and I was already at 2.X k words) and simplified it at the start of Meddling Memories!

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Give our support! · 10:02pm Jun 22nd, 2020

Hey everypony, mares and gentlecolts!

I would post about a specific beta reader access, but I would like to give a strong and very important message to those out there who want to help others or are in need of help themselves:

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