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Sorry Guys... · 4:39am Dec 31st, 2017

Me-oh-my, I have been kind of behind on my stories haven't I?


I might not be able to work on some of my stories for awhile... at most until after May of next year.

I have been juggling the things in my life that I want to do, need to do, and am told to do, and adding this into it has made it a little too complicated for me. I will still continue to read stories, and I still think writing is fun... but I know that getting through school first is the most important thing here.

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I accidentally a thing · 6:56am Jan 25th, 2017

Alright, so the writing took me in a totally different direction then what I was planning originally. The story is still on course but we are taking a bit of a turn. This next chapter is going to be extremely fluffy when it is all said and done. It will have a decent amount of sex in it but it will probably be much more touchy feel-y then previous chapters. I like where this is headed personally, but I wanted to give you all a heads up that this next chapter will not focus heavily on plant

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why everyone is leaving · 1:33pm Jun 5th, 2016

I know some of them going to summer camp but still the ones that are leaving and left ever since I joined I've been causing trouble don't say I haven't I have now dragon force is gone I never got to say I'm sorry for everything I've done to her I feel so guilty for everything my head hurts alot

Report Killer Rose · 404 views · #my fault

My rack · 12:11am Mar 23rd, 2019

I'm a elite changeling General I'm also the number one highest assassin in my hive but i left my hive now i'm disguised as a captain of the royal guard training the lunar guard have my happiness back doing what i love haveing purpose again serving the princesses.

Report Firebrand4556 · 190 views · #My rack

AU Heroes · 11:17pm Sep 9th, 2020


So, the Provalance has had its fair share of heroes. Let’s go over them.

First: Warsaw.

So, Warsaw only has a few heroes. One of them is a generation of ponies. They started with outlaws, and soon turned into a more military family. The current soldier in their family is Sandbar. Next up, is a pegasus named Everdale. She was famous for using a rifle, and not an aerial vehicle in the first Provalance War.

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Report MlpHero · 195 views · #My AU

Time For some Lore · 3:48am Sep 6th, 2020

So, I’m sure you all remember the map of my AU Equestria (If you don’t remember, it’s these two:)

So, I’m gonna explain a quick bit of lore. Remember, I’ve worked on this for a while, so there’s probably more that I’ve missed.

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Report MlpHero · 163 views · #My AU

Pony in my pocket · 11:38am Oct 2nd, 2016

I've had this new idea. This is what happens when i watch puppy in my pocket and then the new EG movie.
Anyways, it's basically this: Twi broke the mirror in the pony world after she got Dash through it. Dash finds herself in Camp Everfree with no way to return home. Sunset Shimmer has to take care of her until they can find a way to get her back home.

Turns out it's easier said than done, when the pony you have to hide is a boasting, brash, colorful speedster. :derpytongue2:

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Huh · 3:01am Nov 27th, 2018

Would just like to point out I had not read MHA chapter 207 before I came up with Trixie's Talent. Neat coincidence though. Wonder how things will work out for Tokage


So Sad This Was Cancelled · 7:35am Aug 6th, 2016


Happenings · 4:18pm Oct 3rd, 2017

As I am autistic, I take medications daily.

And as part of a test, my mom changed my doses.

And now I'm a half-depressed wreck. I can barely write, and I'm struggling to keep up in school.

I could use some support, guys.

Also, I need to trim my stories again. Just too many to keep up with.

Thanks for hearing me out.


Hello, my name is FireRain and I... · 2:17pm Feb 23rd, 2020

  1. Want a cuddle.
  2. Would like to sing with you
  3. Would gladly hold your hand if you'll hold mine
  4. Want to nuzzle you
  5. Would love to write a love song with you
  6. Want to know if you'll be my friend
  7. Would like to be your partner in crime
  8. Want to know if we'll be together forever
  9. Don't want to die alone
  10. Dislike macho men
  11. Love Earl Grey
  12. Adore Amethyst Dawn
  13. Cuddle Skyward Sword
  14. Brofist Final Fantasy Forever and Gyro Pony

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Four Swords That Will Be Important Much Later On · 7:09pm Dec 3rd, 2015

Then the Lady of the Lake, who gave the new sword to Arthur, arrived in Camelot. The lady told Arthur that the sword was called Excalibur, and it was time, for the king to give the gift he had promised her.

Le Morte d'Arthur- Thomas Mallory (on Excalibur)

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200,000 Story Views! · 11:44pm May 21st, 2018

Well, 201,023 to be exact, as of this post.

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my take on impulse · 10:06am Aug 5th, 2016

More specifically my impulse control, and why I need to work on it

Hi, it'm ilp or iluv2pause that name was taken on my first account on the internet, but that's for another day. Today I would like to start a monthly blog to describe the things that either make me human or make me an incredibly TERRIBLE human, this is because I have a large amount of flaws, flaws that I know will not get better if I do not acknowledge them, and because what's better than sharing your flaws.... right?

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The Legend of Gold Osburn · 5:00pm Jul 18th, 2019

Gold is a legend that's been passed down to generations some believe that he is a god that cannot die or the name is passed down to generations as well as the legend says about him he also have titles like protector, guardian, hero through time and space there is always one guild that surrounded around him Hero For Hire Guild of course that is for another time you can only find gold in certain locations muesli bars and rich places but occasionally running around with his team of 4

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My Thoughts - The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat · 11:12pm Sep 26th, 2015

I can't describe what actually happens in this one, because it would ding the 'no NSFW' blogs rules.

No. Really. Its that type of movie. :pinkiesick:

Ugly, ugly movie, made even worse by having such nice and fluid (I am so, so sorry) animation.

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My Thoughts spin-off series · 8:12pm Sep 15th, 2015

I've been thinking about a little side project. Basically, giving Let's Playing a whirl. Sort of like those 'My Thoughts' blogs for games I consider inspirations, but with YouTube videos of my horrible rusty gamer skills while I talk about the game/s, what I think about them, and what I learned from them as a story-teller.

You guys and galls any interested in that? Or do you want a proof of concept first?

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Cutie Re-Mark reactions · 10:33pm Dec 16th, 2015

I let slip a while ago that I had yet to see the season finale, and StrangeReasoning requested I give my first impression when I actually got around to it.

I have now done so.

That, and massive spoilers below the cut.

(All time-stamps are for the Netflix version, if there is any difference.)

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auto-incorrect · 7:53pm Feb 16th, 2017

hello my friends and followers

i am boycotting (most) capitals. lazy.

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Report Nines · 426 views · #my life

That's My Pony · 6:23pm Aug 29th, 2019

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