• Member Since 30th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2023


Huge fan of the Sunlight ship (Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer)!!! Fan of MLP, Dragon Ball, TFS, and Bionicle (Gen 1 )!!!

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Excuses, excuses, and future · 11:37pm Jul 27th, 2019

So hey guys.... Long time no see.

Okay lets get real about the Status of this fic. In the beginning of last year I had this plan on writing Falling Shimmer weekly Maybe daily. I had a job working on a fast food place and did overtime. I had a computer and everything and I thought I could do my goal.

Then Reality came in.....

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Report RisingBluePhoenix · 306 views · Story: Falling Shimmer ·
Comments ( 24 )
  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24

Thanks for adding When The Sun Met The Moon And The Stars Collided to your favorites :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the watch. ^^

Thank you for the fave and the comment on The Long Road!

  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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