• Member Since 24th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 20th

The Forgotten Siren

Hello and welcome, I am The Forgotten Siren and I enjoy MLP and want to write good fanfiction for you all. I wish to keep this clean and start a new...hopefully

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RL is bothering me · 6:21pm Dec 14th, 2017

Sorry, have some issues with life at the moment, but I am working on a Christmas story soon

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Just thought I'd share, hoped to make your day :derpytongue2:

thnks..i havent been doing fanfics in so long..to be honest, i am wondering if i should even do another one. I mean, it seems the famdom is kinda..here. nothing more lol

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

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