• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th


Crackshipper par excellence | Find me on twitter @Calchexxis


I'm done for a while · 2:53pm May 5th, 2021

Yesterday I made a blog and, to put it lightly, it took less than six hours for it to turn into an absolute shitshow. That blog was specifically to air the fact that I was feeling a personal crisis of conscience and was largely mocked for it where the blog's comment section didn't just dissolve into a batshit fucking loco mess of luchadores on ketamine baiting trolls and then getting run over by them only to stand up like--

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Time To Be Honest · 8:30pm May 4th, 2021

This is gonna be a rough blog, but I gotta get it out there.

So, if I'm being perfectly honest? I kind of hate this site. A little bit. I love the source material. I love the stories. I love that there are people who love my work and love reading it. With that said, having recently spent hours upon hours upon hours fulfilling my duties in judging for the SunFlower Contest, it's highlighted something about Fimfiction that I've been trying very hard not to think about.

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Update Bug: We Are Legion · 2:47am Apr 25th, 2021

For some reason Fimfiction is timestamping the recent updates for Legion as being half a year ago, so if you’re not getting updates, that’s why.

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Secrets of Legion · 10:11pm Apr 20th, 2021

Alright everyone we're taking a short break from Dead by Midnight to learn exactly what it is that happened to the CMC that led to their descent into Killer-dom as the savage Legion. I'm going to be posting two chapters a week on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Hope you all enjoy reading their story.




New Art: The Deathslinger · 10:26pm Apr 17th, 2021

Spoilers for the end of Act I of Dead by Midnight. If you haven't read it then be aware of what you may be walking into!

More art for the Dead by Midnight canon! say hello to the handler, and the 'Thief's red right hand...

The Deathslinger!

Art by the lovely and talented Irina, as always please show her some love!




End of Act I · 1:32am Apr 15th, 2021

Well everyone, we made it to the end of Act I. I'm genuinely curious as to what everyone thinks of the story so far.

The Dead by Sunset series has become a lot nearer and dearer to my heart than I expected, and I fully expect it to become one of my longest fics alongside Featherfall. I'm sure there are a lot of readers interested in seeing how all of the drama that's been built up here plays out, and I wanted to show a little of my thought processes that brought much of this story about.

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New Cover Art for Running Out Of Air · 12:43am Apr 13th, 2021

I know I'm done with the series. I do not care. I've been wanting cover art for this story for ages, and I finally found someone who I wanted to do the art for it!

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Oni Reveal Art · 8:45pm Apr 7th, 2021

And with the final chapter of Act I (not counting the epilogue) the Oni is revealed. I'm sure y'all have guessed the truth but here she is.

As always the artwork is done by the wonderful and talented Irina, so go ahead and show her some love!



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SIGNAL BOOST: SunFlower Contest · 2:02am Mar 9th, 2021

Anyone who knows my work has probably, at some point, come across my SunFlower saga which was written for the lovely and adorable Scampy. On the heels of that Scampy is now hosting a big ol' Contest with prizes and everything, and yours truly is one of the judges.

If you've ever wanted to take a shot at writing some fluffy/angsty romance give us a shout, and check it out!


Next Set Of Interludes · 7:41pm Feb 22nd, 2021

We're at the cusp of the end of Act I y'all, and it's time to start getting intense. When I was writing this Interludes, it was designed as a series of essentially simultaneous (or as good as makes no difference) scenes as the Legion finally moves and makes an attack of their own. Therefore, the interlude was three separate scenes with three points of view, the first being from Sour Sweet's POV.

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